

Press release...

...about the project TÁMOP-3.2.4-08/1-2009-0069 "Zounok project II"

The County Council of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok formed a consortium with the local governments of the cities Abádszalók, Kunhegyes, Tiszaföldvár, Újszász, and the municipalities Tiszaszőlős and Tószeg, which was awarded a grant of HUF 80.459.333,- for the project TÁMOP-3.2.4-08/1-2009-0069 "Zounok project II" on the promotion of reading and libraries with a special attention payed to the youth and to adults in disadvantaged regions and to electronic services in public and school libraries in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county.

With this grant, a number of events, trainings and database developments helping the orientation of users were financed on the premises of the consortium partners; the Ember Mária Library in Abádszalók, the Pedagogical Institute, Professional and Technical Support Service of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, the City Library and Cultural Institution of Kunhegyes, the City Library  of Tiszaföldvár and the Ószőlő Branch Library and Primary School Library, the Municipality Library and Leisure Center of Tiszaszőlős, the Municipal Public Library of Tószeg, the City Library and Cultural Center of Újszász, and the  Verseghy Ferenc Library and Cultural Institute of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county.

Throughout the locations where the project was implemented, programs promoting reading and libraries, and lectures, trainings were organised to close the gap up and to help the use of internet services among the users of every age group. The awarded grant largely helped the training of library employees as well. With this project, besides the completion of electronic catalogues, the websites of the participating institutions have been renewed and they provide new, 24h services. Remote access is provided to the results of the developments at: http://zounuk.hu. New furniture was also added in the libraries. As a result of the developments, the document assets of the libraries in the county can be used more economically and more visibly.

Thanks to the project financed with grant from the European Regional Development Fund / European Social Fund and the Hungarian Republic, libraries (basic institutions in the information society) can reach out to more users and they provide a more effective service to the public in our county.

Local Government of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County

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